Wedding shower? Costa Rica style

Ξ October 4th, 2005 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Costa Rica, Humor, Whatever |

I think I went to a wedding shower. I say “think” as I am still not sure after the fact.

This was last Saturday. My stomach has still not recovered.



Well, the Ring Thing Crisis is over anyway

Ξ October 4th, 2005 | → 1 Comments | ∇ Costa Rica, Humor, Rants, Whatever |

Buying wedding rings should be simple. As with so many things in Costa Rica, it was not.

First was the size thing. Costa Ricans are a smaller people. Ticos over 5 feet 10 inches are not common. Large body parts are apparently not either. (Naw… don’t go there. I have no knowledge in that area).


Our Wedding Prayers

Ξ October 2nd, 2005 | → 0 Comments | ∇ -My Favorites, Costa Rica, Maria Luisa, Whatever |

Maria’s Prayer:

Gracias Señor
en él encontré la comprensión
y el amor que siempre busqué,
hoy que bendices nuestro amor
me permita que sea la esposa a
que él desea

and mine…

Gracias Señor
por poner en mi camino la mujer
ideal que siempre anhelé para
formar un hogar donde viene la
felicidad, el amor, y la tranquilidad.


A week… oh oh

Ξ September 29th, 2005 | → 2 Comments | ∇ Costa Rica, Humor, Whatever |

The BIG DAY is next week. Saturday the 8th to be exact. Married… again. Second time.

My ex wife is in town along with her husband. She is here for Lucia’s baptism and not for the wedding. Que sorpresa! More stress though. They are here with my son Bob and his wifey and grandchild Jacob whom I have not seen in two years.

My mind is falling apart. I am forgetting to return calls. I forget other stuff. I remember stuff I THOUGHT I did (but really didn’t do). I find myself standing in parts of the house, and I cannot remember why I am there. I don’t sleep a lot anyway, but now I am down to maybe 2 hours per night. I wake up sweaty when I do sleep.


Yum! Gallo Pinto!

Ξ September 28th, 2005 | → 3 Comments | ∇ Costa Rica, Food, Whatever |

Costa Rica is not known for it’s fine cuisine. In general, this is probably a deserved reputation as it tends to be centered around rice, beans, chicken, pork, and beef (tongue especially is very popular here). However, how the above items are combined is within the realm of the cook and that makes all the difference. I find a lot of the cooking here to be really good! Generally, beef here is terrible. I think this is due in part to the lack of vast grazing lands. Also, the concept of aging a steak is not yet part of the Costa Rican culture.

To me, it has always been a wonder why folks move to a foreign country like Costa Rica only to live in residential strongholds of their countrymen and spend all their time at Tony Romas, TGIFridays, etc.


Ugh… less than 12 days

Ξ September 27th, 2005 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Costa Rica, Humor, Whatever |

I am getting married on the 8th of October and I am REALLY getting nervous.

So is my bride to be… known in this blog as ML, Maria, Luisa, Guisa and other assorted names,

She has not been married in almost 20 years. I have not been married in about 15 years. 35 accumulated years of flying solo. We bounce around each other like 7th graders.


The demons won…

Ξ September 6th, 2005 | → 1 Comments | ∇ Whatever |

My friend Laurie died this week. At 40. It is a loss.

I knew her for about 20 years… maybe more, and she lived a hard life. Not hard in terms of deprivation… she had everything… wealthy sucessful parents, a good job, a sometimes happy marriage… but a hard life nontheless for she was surely plagued by demons. Some of those demons were well documented… the drug use, the alcohol, the inappropriate behavior.


Stephanie Klein redux –

Ξ August 29th, 2005 | → 2 Comments | ∇ Whatever |

A few weeks ago, I wrote a bit of commentary about Stephanie Klein and her blog. At the time I posted it, I thought to myself that maybe I went a bit over the edge as I really didn’t know this woman from Adam’s off ox… so why was I roasting her?


Almost Five Weeks Now!

Ξ August 20th, 2005 | → 1 Comments | ∇ Whatever |

This is really odd! I stopped smoking just over a month ago (six weeks) and didn’t blog it. As the other times I tried stopping were not happy events, I would have thought this time would be in here because I am doing it. But I FORGOT to blog it!


40.000 Families Added to Living Below Poverty Line

Ξ August 19th, 2005 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Costa Rica, News and Comments, Whatever |

At least 40.000 families will join this year the estimated 210.000 families who already live below the poverty line, according to the Balance de la Economía Costarricense study done for the first six months of 2005, prepared by experts at the Universidad Nacional (UNA).

According to Henry Mora, coordinator of the study, the alarming news is based on the disproportionate increase in the cost of food that make up the “canasta básica” (basic food basket).

The increase in the cost of the canasta basica this year has topped 21% which means more than 50% of the cost of living for many. Mora explained that the increase affects the most the poorest which spend 80% on basic food needs.

The latest census done in 2004 showed 21.5% of Costa Rican families were poor while UNA investigators say that it will reach 25% by the end of 2005. In 2003 the number of 18.5%.


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