Another reason to hate the French

Ξ July 5th, 2005 | → 1 Comments | ∇ Rants |

NOIRMOUTIER, France — Six-time Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong underwent a surprise doping test at his hotel on Friday afternoon, a control which raised questions as the American was the only rider to be tested.

The Texan was the only rider to be tested a second time, two days after blood testing on all 189 Tour starters.

But French sports minister Jean-Francois Lamour said on Saturday in Noirmoutier that his agencies were not behind the random test.

Ha! Whatta crock of shit!

What an incredible bunch of sore losers are the French. After SIX prior Tour wins and absolutely NO evidence of any doping after dozens or tests, they still cannot fathom how a lowly American could possible be that good. So they do everything they can to put him off his game.

Damn… what a low life group of people are the French. A totally classless group of trash.


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  1. GRamir said,

    on July 5th, 2005 at 7:35 pm

    Ja Ja Ja! You are delightfully funny with your hates!

    Regardless of the French…

    The truth is that Lance Armstrong rules! …even if the man is under chemotherapy and

    dehydrated in the middle of the desert– ALWAYS ! he is going to be a winner!

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