Please Don’t Touch Anything in My Room

Ξ June 9th, 2006 | → 6 Comments | ∇ Costa Rica, Family, Life in Costa Rica, Maria Luisa |

“Leave everything like it is.

Tell my brother that wherever he is, I will be with him.

Thanks to everyone. I love you.”

Signed: Elmer Fallas A.

(From his suicide note; 8 June 2006)



A Visit to Hooters & a Review

Ξ May 28th, 2006 | → 4 Comments | ∇ Costa Rica, Food, Humor, Maria Luisa |


I have never been to a Hooters Restaurant. There is no reason for this… just never did. Yesterday though, ML, friends Beverly and her husband Juan Carlos and I went to the Hooters in Escazu. Generally, I avoid the restaurants in Escazu and Santa Ana as they are just horribly overpriced, but ML wanted a salad and to see what all the fuss was about at Hooters, so off we went.

Our waitress represented the average Hooters wait person and saying that, it was clear that this chain was named Hooters for a reason. I also discovered just how easy it is for a person to regress… regardless of how well trained they are… or thought they were.



Meet Rolando!

Ξ May 21st, 2006 | → 3 Comments | ∇ -My Favorites, Costa Rica, Ewwwwww!, Humor, Maria Luisa |

marias_bugOK… It’s a Sunday morning, and I am lying in the bed. Maria has headed off to the kitchen to make coffee and toast. I am sorta dozing a bit, then in flies ML, all excited.

In her hand, she is holding a cloth and it appears to be moving without assistance. In fact it is wiggling!



Five Months Later

Ξ May 13th, 2006 | → 1 Comments | ∇ Costa Rica, Humor, Maria Luisa, Whatever |

Well almost five months… and a helluva five months it has been.

The first half of 2006 has not been all that great… but June is right here and I am hoping for things to calm down a bit.



Maria got Robbed Yesterday… Again.

Ξ January 20th, 2006 | → 4 Comments | ∇ Costa Rica, Maria Luisa, Rants, Whatever |

I am SO PO’d and I am really getting tired of the street crime in San José.

Yesterday morning, my wife had a meeting at the CAJA (equivalent to the US Social Security). It was a business meeting with a bunch of big shots, so she dressed to the nines, including the new earrings I gave her last month.


The New Furniture Arrived…

Ξ December 21st, 2005 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Costa Rica, Maria Luisa |

…and ML is like a little kid!

I spent a day or two last week running around San Jose testing the new and improved GSM phone system here in Costa Rica. but my REAL job was to find someone to make new furniture for our patio. Spanish lesson! Actually, patio in Spanish means the yard and the patio is called the terraza. So, to be correct… we wanted new stuff for the terraza!


Nuts… We lost!

Ξ December 20th, 2005 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Costa Rica, Humor, Maria Luisa |

ML wanted to play the lottery… the “Big One” known as the el Gordo Navideño or just el gordo. Gordo is the Spanish word for fat and this lottery with a potential win of ¢350.000.000 (a bit over $700,000.00) is a big deal here. Gordo or more accurately “mi gordito lindo” is also one of the 47 pets names Maria uses daily to describe ME.



Christmas Tree 2005

Ξ December 18th, 2005 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Costa Rica, Food, Humor, Maria Luisa, Whatever |

Maria and I took off for the mountains to buy THE TREE, and brother was she excited! For weeks, she has been saying that THIS year, she wants a smaller tree… smaller being less tall than I (2 meters or about 6’5″). Remembering the appearance of last years tree, I thought she might be on to something, so off we headed to Surqui to do the hunting.


Zepol vs Windex

Ξ December 8th, 2005 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Costa Rica, Humor, Maria Luisa, Whatever |

I think the movie was My Big Fat Greek Wedding… not sure. The bride’s father kept handy a bottle of Windex that he used for just about anything from pimples to plumbing repairs. I suppose he also used it for windows. At various times, he sprayed just about everyone… or threatened to. Duct tape has the same reputation for many people.


Honeymoon… Final chapter

Ξ December 4th, 2005 | → 1 Comments | ∇ Costa Rica, Food, Humor, Maria Luisa, Travel, Whatever |

OK… So I am a bit late writing about the last part of the ‘moon. Sue me.

After the few days we spent in DF and Taxco, it was time to again board Mexicana… also known as Mexi-arrogante… for the short flight to Cancun. As you might glean from my comment, Mexicana is not my favorite airline and in fact are probably toward the bottom… not bad considering this was the first time I have flown the airline. They work quick to impress!


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