Costa Rica, CAFTA and Leadership

Ξ August 10th, 2005 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Costa Rica |

The Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA or TLC – Tratado de Libre Comercio) is always news here. Things are finally beginning to heat up a bit… as well they should.

The current president of the republic is Abel Pacheco, who certainly can be described as someone who “just doesn’t get it”.

For many months, he has been holding the TLC in his office, refusing to submit it to the Legislative Assembly until they pass his tax bill. The tax bill, however, will never be passed in its current form as it contains provisions that, at best, should be considered idiotic. The most onerous provision taxes Costa Ricans and foreigners living here on income earned anywhere in the world. It also contains a variety of regressive tax measures which will further burden the average Costa Rican. Even worse, the tax bill will never solve this country’s monetary crisis, but is being touted as the law that will save Costa Rica.



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