Morning Thoughts

Ξ August 4th, 2005 | → 2 Comments | ∇ Maria Luisa, Whatever |

4:00 AM – I usually wake up early. Four AM seems to be my body’s wakeup time. Luisa sleeps next to me, her breathing is soft… deep. She sleeps like a person who has lived a good life. A life in which she never hurt other people, was never dishonest, was a good friend to others, was honorable, kind…. The sleep of the good person. That is accurate. She is.

I am thinking that we are not alike in this. I have hurt others… been dishonest… worse. Not a good person at various times in my life… but I think a better person now. As I get older, I hope God has forgotten, but I know better. I’m pretty sure He is still pissed.


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